jueves, 16 de abril de 2020
English homework
Good mornig everyone!!!!
Topic 6 Lesson 2.
Today you have to read about Rami´s home. Find the five words in bold in the picture .Have you got any of these things in your home?
Activity Book. Page 64 exercises 1,2 and 3.
This is Rami:
Rami´s blog:
1-cutlery: cubertería
2-jewellery box: joyero
3-oil painting: pinturas de óleo
4-earrings: pendientes
5-rings: anillos
lamp: lámpara
vase : florero
trophies: trofeos
medal: medalla
photo album: album de fotos
ACTIVITY BOOK, Page 64. Exercises 1,2 and 3.
Have a nice day!!
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Good morning everyone!! Here you have a worksheet to work on too much/too many. Si no podéis imprimir, copiáis los ejercicios en vuestro...
Good morning everyone!! How was your weekend? Did you enjoy it? I hope so. Here you have the answers of exercises 2, 3 and 4 on page 80...